a:1:{s:4:"row1";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:4:"full";s:7:"columns";a:1:{s:4:"col1";a:2:{s:4:"grid";i:12;s:7:"widgets";a:1:{s:4:"wid1";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:4:"text";s:5:"label";s:0:"";s:7:"default";i:0;s:7:"content";s:583:"<b>Profoam ProSeal Plus HFO High Yield 1.7# Closed Cell Foam</b>- <b>Must be purchased in half or full trucks!</b><div><br></div><div>Profoam ProSeal Plus is a two component, one-to-one by volume, self-adhering, seamless, high insulating efficiency spray applied rigid polyurethane foam system. This Profoam system has been formulated with a highly insulating HFO as the principal blowing agent. Profoam ProSeal Plus is suitable for use on tanks and temperature-controlled structures, and for residential and commercial buildings. It complies with AC 377 and ASTM C1029.</div>";}}}}}}