Allegro Full Face Respirator w/ LP Adapter

a:1:{s:4:"row1";a:2:{s:4:"type";s:4:"full";s:7:"columns";a:1:{s:4:"col1";a:2:{s:4:"grid";i:12;s:7:"widgets";a:1:{s:4:"wid1";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:4:"text";s:5:"label";s:0:"";s:7:"default";i:0;s:7:"content";s:669:"<p><b>Allegro Full Face Respirator w/ LP Adapter</b></p><p>Full Mask SAR w/ LP Adapter (For use with Cold Air &amp; Air Blower Systems)(Low Pressure) </p><div class="DxjHRj mmeL1S"><div class="W7BBCC"><p>Allegro partial SAR (supplied-air respirator) assemblies include parts required to build a full system or to replace worn parts on existing systems. SARs provide safe breathable air in low oxygen environments or where air quality is compromised. An airline hose connects a worker's facepiece to a supplied-air compressor. The mobility of the worker is limited to the length of the airline, but the compressor offers an unlimited amount of air.&nbsp;</p></div></div>";}}}}}}